Q. – How do I get a key to the pool?
A. – Willow Creek Property Owners are issued one pool key per household. More information on this can be found on the page POA Committees & Contacts in the password protected “Property Owners” section of this website.

Q. – What are the annual property owners dues, and what do they cover?
A. – Annual dues are $1,000 per lot. This covers the cost of common space maintenance (lawncare, clubhouse utilities, etc.), and capital reserves for long-term maintenance of amenities (pool, clubhouse, tennis courts, entrance updates).

Q. – Which utility companies service the Willow Creek Community?
A. – Our community is split between two electric and two telephone companies, depending on the location of your homesite.   See  “Utilities”  under “About Willow Creek.”

Q. – How large a community is Willow Creek, and how many homes are currently built?
A. – We are a community of 213 spacious homesites, and we currently have about 212 homes, existing or under construction.

Q. – Where is the nearest grocery store/shopping?
A. – Publix and Food Lion both have stores located at the Five Forks area on Woodruff Road – for details see Shopping. You will also find many links for more information on the Greenville-Spartanburg area in our Community Info section.

Q. – Do I have to make a reservation for the tennis courts?
A. – No, the courts are available for use by residents of the community 7 days a week from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM and are on a first come-first served basis.

Q. – Do I have to make a reservation to use the clubhouse?
A. – Yes. That information is available on “Willow Creek Community Clubhouse User, Fees, Policies and Rules” under the “Property Owners” tab.

Q. – What about golf? Do I get a golf membership when I live at Willow Creek?
A. – No; the semi-private golf club offers annual memberships but offers no discounts for Willow Creek Property Owners. See the golf course’s website for specific prices.

Q. – Are there any kids in the neighborhood?
A. – Plenty…Actually we have a good mix of families with children, as well as “empty-nesters” and retirees!

Q. – What are the schools and where are they located?
A. – Willow Creek is in the Spartanburg County District 4 area, with the public schools located in Woodruff. However, many of our residents also use some of the excellent private schools in the area. See Community Info for more details.