Architectural Review Board


As a resident of Willow Creek, you have chosen a unique environment in which to live. An important safeguard of that environment is the architectural review process. This process is designed to ensure that the architectural standards within the Willow Creek Golf Community will continue to enhance real estate values and maintain harmonious design.

The ARB shall review, study and either approve or reject proposed improvements on the property. Using its best judgment, the ARB determines that all improvements conform and harmonize with existing structures as to external design, quality, location of building on the site, grade and finished ground elevation and all aesthetic considerations. All plans must be submitted with a $2500 fee (which also covers the cost of the mailbox).

Below you will find printable links for an updated copy of the Architectural Guidelines & New Home Construction Application; and the Home Improvements/Exterior Alteration Application. Please read and make yourself aware of our guidelines and requirements.

The ARB would also suggest that you read and be familiar with Articles VI, VII and VIII of the Willow Creek Covenants. You can read these under the “Covenants” tab.  Please remember that no amount of code enforcement, detailed architectural guidelines or general covenants and conditions will ever take the place of every resident taking personal responsibility for maintaining their own property and respecting the rights of others.

The current Chairperson of the ARB Committee is Mike Burlikowski, 814-790-3529, [email protected]
The Chairperson of the Signage and Mailbox Committee is Austin Yancey, [email protected]

Following are some of the ARB restrictions for property owners in the Willow Creek community.  To view or print the complete ARB documents click on the corresponding title below.

MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE – Single story dwelling/2200 sq. ft. heated; two story/2600 sq. ft. heated

DRIVEWAYS – All drives shall be constructed of concrete. Stamped concrete and/or pavers are acceptable. Modifying curbs to allow for smooth drive transition to street  is acceptable.

GARAGE DOORS – No garage doors shall face directly on street.

ALL COMMERCIAL VEHICLES (those having lettering, logos, etc.) Tractors, mobile homes, trailers, recreational vehicles, campers, boats or other watercraft, boat trailers must be parked entirely within a garage.

PETS – Only domesticated dogs and cats or other usual household pets allowed to a maximum of two animals.

FENCING – In order to preserve the natural beauty and openness of our golf community, the ARB discourages the use of fences, walls and/or man-made berms. Under unique conditions, the ARB shall review and either approve or reject based on need or reason, type of construction, materials, color, height, conformity in harmony with the surroundings; including adjacent neighboring property and other residences already constructed. No fences constructed of chain link wire or similar material or of stockade type design will be allowed.

ANTENNAS – No exterior television or radio antennas or satellite dishes are allowed. Exception is the small 18″ satellite dish to be placed in an unobtrusive location.

GARBAGE – All garbage cans, tanks and other similar items must be screened so as to be concealed from view from neighboring lots and streets.

POOLS – No above ground pools permitted.

ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR POA – Subject to annual increases by POA Board.

LANDSCAPING – Front yards must be sodded, with irrigation system.

To view or print the Willow Creek Architectural Review Board Forms, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.  If you do not already have it, you can download a free copy from the Adobe website by clicking this button.

Use the “Back” button on your browser to exit Acrobat Reader and return to the website after viewing/printing forms.

For New Home Construction in Willow Creek Golf Community, you will need the following seven (7) documents:

ARB Guidelines 2018
Checklist New Construction
New Construction Application
ARB Builders Risk
Instructions to Surveyor
                                                         ARB Spec List                                                                    Architectural Drawings including site plans

For Exterior Improvements & Alterations to Existing Home in Willow Creek Golf Community, you will need the following document:

For Continuation of Construction by a New Owner in Willow Creek Golf Community, you will need the following two (2) documents:

ARB Guidelines
Construction Continuation Application

A portion of your ARB Review fee covers the cost & installation of the custom mailbox/paperbox at your new residence. Please read the Mailbox Policy below to ensure timely installation:

Mailbox Policy